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How Will Premium Streaming App Subscriptions Evolve?

浏览今天的流媒体应用程序和订阅似乎不必要地复杂, 尤其是在主流内容公司的付费订阅和免费服务应用经常并行不疲的情况下, even appearing to compete with each other. 这是一个必要条件吗?是什么因素在驱动它?它可能如何改变? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP, discusses with Daniel Trotta, Product Manager, Content Engagement & 货币化, 华纳兄弟探索频道, 和 Jennifer Jones, Head of Global Business Affairs 和 Content Growth, 康泰纳仕,这段视频来自他们的小组 流媒体连接2023

夏皮罗指出, 由于几个因素, a consumer can only engage with a limited number of apps at once. 他说,在手机上,“第一屏幕上只能容纳这么多应用程序. 无限制的数量在一天结束时并不重要,因为消费者倾向于使用大约5到7个.” He asks the group, “Do you think we're going to see more ‘Maxing,’ more 发现+HBO马克斯 合为一,现在加一个 美国有线电视新闻网 它? 你认为是什么阻碍了我们摆脱混乱的选择悖论呢,转到花园之间的围墙更少一些,这样导航起来更容易一些?”

Trotta说, “我认为这是头号拦路虎, 没有人感到意外, is all the money that cable throws off. That's why companies didn’t jump into 微软全国有线广播电视公司 or 福克斯新闻 因为你不能开始破坏与多频道视频节目分销商(mvpd)的关系. I think that's going to continue to be an issue. 即使是Max也没有百分百拥有发现+上的内容,因为仍然有足够的观众和对发现+服务的兴趣来保证它是一个独立的东西.他提到了夏皮罗之前提出的一个观点,即同一服务的付费和免费应用程序同时出现在用户的手机上. “That is a very scary proposition for me,” he says.

“什么是?夏皮罗说. “ combined free 和 paid ecosystem in one?”

“是的,”特罗塔说. “消除用户根据他们当时想要使用你的应用的程度而向你支付更多或更少费用的障碍, 因为你想要在6个月后,当你推出下一个项目时,能够依靠某个人作为订阅用户,以便能够投资下一个项目.” He cites an example of a more frictionless subscriber-retention approach. “Hulu lets you pause your subscription for 12 weeks,” he says. “If the thing that you're watching isn't on air, you could pause it for 12 weeks while it's off air, 让它回来. 这是一个了不起的功能. 但同时, 这就引出了一个问题, do you lean into that sort of consumer behavior, or do you create even more barriers against it? And if I was betting, I would say it's the second one. 人们最终会开始在免费和付费之间设置更多障碍。, to get the predictability that lets you do good long-term planning.”

琼斯说:“我完全同意公司需要有长期规划. 我认为,作为一个经常坐在后面的房间里做所有计划的商业事务主管, 现在市场上的优柔寡断比以往任何时候都要多,这导致了一种“往墙上扔意大利面”的方法,看看什么能在无意中起作用. I don't think anybody thinks they're throwing spaghetti at the wall, but they end up having to do that because they're consistently adapting, 和 everybody wants more certainty so that they can plan. But I would note that even if you have certainty, 你不能总是计划, even if you know have a certain amount of subscribers, 你不知道你接下来要拍的这部剧会不会达到这个水平.”

Jones指出,不同的供应商采取了不同的方法来吸引观众的注意力. “ Roku model for FAST is measured in terms of audience attention. So you always have to have enough good stuff. And then the streaming model is more like, ‘Come here once 和 stay!’” She also highlights the legal hurdles for content availability. “Some of the content's just not available to be merged or moved over, 否则你就得付钱,或者……”

“Have ads run inside of it,夏皮罗说. “在……的情况下 网飞公司.”

“You just didn't get those AVOD rights,琼斯说. “So it's not available for your new product. 并让它可用, 还得再等五年, 10年, or you'll go back 和 pay more for it. 有时候,我们都认为这些重大决策是超级战略性的,决定着行业的未来,但这些决策的前提是, ‘Oh, we didn't negotiate that because nobody told us to.’ And so I think a lot of the backroom stuff is determining a lot of the strategy.”

夏皮罗说, “Every contract is really just a revision of the last contract, 相对于一个全新的开始,我们能否从一个完全干净的合同开始? 不,你不能……”

“我坚信,大多数合同和交易都是以一种最简单的方式达成的,那就是说这正是你已经同意的,琼斯说. “我们只是改变了一件事. 就是这样,但还有一件事. That's all we change if you agree 它! 但问题是,这样你就把所有东西都变成了其他东西的一个版本. 当你想到广播或有线电视时,你会在一个国家的固定时间播放一次和一次重播. Streaming now is unlimited runs anytime you want in every country in the world. That's not a version of the other thing. 这太不一样了, 和 I think all the systems are trying to slowly, 为了达成共识, 只适应小事. 所以我们最终在这个地方,摩擦是如此之高,显然有行业僵局,我们现在正在处理. And so I think on behalf of all backroom folks everywhere, we have to figure out a way to be a little bit braver to say, “是的, 这是一个版本, 但它也是新的. And how do we proactively think about accounting for the new?”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体 Connect in November 2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Br和 Identity 和 Multiplatform Streaming Apps

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How Premium 和 免费的mium OTT Content Strategies Differ

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How to Deliver a Great FAST App Experience

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Scripps' Yazmin Wickham Talks OTT App Development & 内容策略
