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[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at 流媒体 West 2012.] 

Creating live online events is a hot topic for broadcasters and other companies right now, 但人们如何发现这些事件? 我们需要的是 a simple search engine that focuses on live streams. 我们需要的是 Balakam.

During a red carpet interview at the recent 流媒体 West show in Los Angeles, Balakam's CMO Daria Golyanina explained what makes her company's search tools unique and useful.

"Balakam actually uses almost the same search algorithm as traditional search engines do,戈利亚尼娜说. “但它有一个非常重要的好处, a very important so to say thing that differentiates it from any other solution on the market: 它可以很容易地从录制的媒体中分类直播媒体. 这是非常关键的, 例如, you're in the middle of your favorite baseball team game and you want to find it here and now and so the time becomes critical and you do not want to browse through a lot of irrelevant 信息 on the Web so looking for live stream but bumping into a lot of text, 图形, 还有很多不相关的信息."

It sounds great when searching for local content, but can Balakam search for foreign streams, too? 它能给浏览器带来一个实时事件的世界吗? 是的,可以.

"Another important benefit is its boundless searching area—our search engine browses the whole web so the searching area is global,戈利亚尼娜补充说. "We can find stream from any part of the world, 从万维网的任何部分. So I think it's really unique for the streaming media world and that is why we can say that Balakam is a unique solution on the market."

To learn more about Balakam and what it delivers, watch the full interview below.

埃里克: 我是Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen 流媒体 magazine and I'm here at 流媒体 West 2012 where one of the hot topics has been video search and discovery. 那里有很多很棒的内容. 我们如何帮助人们找到它? One company that's doing something very interesting with that is a company called Balakam and I'll be speaking with both the CEO and CMO of Balakam to find out a little bit more about the company. First I'll be speaking with Daria Golyanina the CMO Daria, what is Balakam?

Daria: Actually Balakam is a web service designed to locate live streaming media on the web so what our search engine is doing is actually finding all sources of live broadcasting stations on the web. 比如网络电视, 在线广播电台, 网络摄像头, broadcasting can here and now located on the web can be found using our search engines if you just type in the request. For example if you'd like to find some radio station from Brazil or some TV channel from Russia or some maybe live Web camera broadcasting used from any part of the world, 你可以很容易地使用Balakam.

埃里克: Balakam与其他搜索引擎有何不同?

Daria: Balakam actually uses almost the same search algorithm as traditional search engines do. 但它有一个非常重要的好处, a very important so to say thing that differentiates it from any other solution on the market. 它可以很容易地从录制的媒体中分类直播媒体. 这是非常关键的 例如 you're in the middle of your favorite baseball team game and you want to find it here and now and so the time becomes critical and you do not want to browse through a lot of irrelevant 信息 on the Web looking for live streams but bumping into a lot of text, 图形, 还有很多不相关的信息. And here where Balakam comes into being very helpful for this purpose. And another important benefit is its boundless searching area—our search engine browses the whole Web so the searching area is global so we can find stream from any part of the world, 从万维网的任何部分. So I think it is really unique for the streaming media world and that is why we can say that Balakam is a unique solution on the market.

埃里克: And I'm speaking now with Alexey Fomichev who is the CEO of Balakam. We talked a little bit with Daria about what Balakam does mostly focusing on searching for video of live events or live-event video. 巴拉卡姆还能发挥什么作用呢?

Alexey: Actually, as we scan the Web continuously, we build a full picture of this world. So we know what is happening right now and what was on top yesterday. So it can make a difference and build trends to provide our users with a more convenient way to achieve the top topics or to check what is the difference between the streaming world months ago and today. 我们有所有的分析数据. The topic is hot—every month Google receives half-a-billion requests for live media, 收音机, 网络摄像头, 和电视.

埃里克: So in addition to that, what other development plans does Balakam have for the future? 在未来的几个月和几年里,我们应该期待什么?

Alexey: In a month we'll come up with a new interface which we believe is going to be really useful for Internet users, but the ultimate goal is to create an application for Smart TV, 它会有点像电视调谐器, 但对于互联网来说. 就是这样.

埃里克: Well great, exciting stuff and you can read more about it on StreamingMedia.com. 谢谢Alexey,谢谢来自Balakam的Daria.

Alexey: 谢谢你!.


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